Posts on Jan 1970

Sound Masking

As a dealer for Cambridge Sound Management, we can help you work better (and smarter!) with sound masking in cubicle and open space areas.  AVsmart YouTube page
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Wearable Technology

Apple Watch, Fitbit, Adidas miCoach, Nike Fuel, even a Bitcoin engagement ring?! People are wearing technology, not just keeping it in their pocket or purse. And it’s a huge, and growing business. According to a new report from IDtechEx, wearable technology is estimated to reach $70 billion in 2025, up from $20 billion this year. The medical/healthcare/fitness area seems to be the most dominant but there is expected expansion in e-textiles and the military sector.

Do you wear technology? If so, what do you like about it? Any dislikes? Apple Watch is on a few of our employee’s wish lists. Here’s hoping…

Apple Watch
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